Wednesday, 29 December 2010

Vial of the Sands

(Click picture for full-size)

Hope you have a fantastic Christmas and new years everybody :)

This comic was just a random thing that popped up when I was looking at the vial in the auction house.

Don't worry, Dungeons and Draenei isn't coming back, just a random bit of fun.

Tuesday, 2 February 2010


Hey Folks,

I'm sure you've noticed already, but I've gone a whole month without producing anything. I assure you I've been very, very busy. However! I've been getting my act togeather and will be continuing as usual by the end of this week, Hooray!

Its suprising that I haven't been able to find time to continue with these comics, but I've really missed it. Fortunately, however, this time has been spent on my University applications and Exams, moving house and all sorts of other things!(jeez, all in the same month!) and I feel a big weight lifting of my shoulders, allowing me to spend time back on the things I enjoy most,

making 'comics'!! :)

See you in a few days! -Kromus
On a sidenote, Fall of the lichking, just wow.

Saturday, 9 January 2010

No Comic Again!

Being a good little bunny and concerntrating on exams- done very little drawing this week + all the snow excitement in England :D wahay!

Sorry guys, bare with me :)

Saturday, 2 January 2010

Happy New Year, No Comic Although!

Hey everybody, hope you had a brilliant Christmas and New Years.

I have been moving house + the whole Christmas and New Years thing, so haven't done a Comic this week, although I have plenty planned for next year :)

Wish you all the best in WoW and Life.

or as Player Versus Comic says;
"No Week This Comic".