Saturday, 17 October 2009

Let Your Ideas Come To Life!

After a couple of posts I'm happy with the level of responses so far- its nice to see people enjoy something I consider a "fun pass-time"- and hope Velen is keeping you company in your World of Warcraft Experiences.

However, One thing I want to do to make this blog much more interactive is give you the chance to host your idea here. What? What do you mean? I can't draw. No matter.

To have your idea hosted and featured here, or you have to do is post your idea or own comic you've made yourself to me, and I'll feature it if its up to scratch. So if you've got any drawn comics stashed away about WoW, or a concept you can't draw, Feel free to email it to me at -- or if you prefer just leave a comment with your idea below, and we'll make it come to life, and allow everybody to acknowledge your comical awesome!

*If lots of ideas occur I'll take it in turns to draw them, ofc If I don't think they'll work I'll say, we can't be good at everything, after all!*

I hope to see some people take part in this, it'll be fun and it'll get this blog nice and active, as well as other things I have planned! Thanks for reading, have a complimentary Matrix Velen just for reading!

-and as a sidenote, don't worry, im not running out of ideas! I've got too many, but why not do something a little more active? :D

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